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Gesucht wurde A New World In Our Hearts, Medienart , Sortierung DatensatzNr., aufsteigend.
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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • hearts
Verlag Jahr

  • 212 S., 21,4x15,2 cm, Auflage: 600, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865884640
    mit flexiblem Plastikeinband
  • A collection and archival documentation of discarded commodities, carrying depictions of hearts, found in public space mostly in Berlin, but also in Greece and New York City. The photo documentation is accompanied by ranscriptions of every text carried by the found objects.
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Stichwort / Schlagwort

  • Atem Books
Verlag Jahr

  • 48x33 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Plakat, vermutlich beschnitten
  • Atem Books is an independent publishing house based in Catalunya focused on photography & illustration, contemporary drawing and thinking created by emerging artists from around the world. Our aims are: to help emerging artists to get their work more known, create a collection of contemporary works, to gather illustrators, photographers & art lovers. Atem Books has been publishing Carpaccio Magazine since April 2009. Atem Books is a non-profit organization, so all the money earnt is always invested in new publications.
    Why ‘Atem’?
    Atem’ stands for “wind, breath” in german. This word is inspired by an illustrated poetry book published by Paul Celan (poet) and Gisèle Celan (illustrator) called Atemkristall.
    Who we are
    Atem Books curators are Maa Cerezo and Emma Llensa. We both do all the works involved with mantaining Atem Books.
    What we can do
    We’re also offering our services to help you self-publish your book (both digital -pdf, epub, mobipocket-, Ipad and Iphone apps and print). Whether if you need advise on how to start self publishing a book or you need our services as curators, designers, layouters and image retouchers, just ask us what we can do for you.
    We’re also offering our services to help you create your own website and, if you need one, how to create an e-commerce to sell your own goods. And, of course, we can give you marketing and self-promotion advises and guidelines.
    Atem Books is 100% independent!
    We don’t receive any external money. This project survives with the earns we do selling our publications.
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Erworben bei Atem Books

  • Magnified Section
Ort Land

  • keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Aus dem Booklyn-Archiv
Stichwort / Schlagwort
Erworben bei Booklyn


  • Scattered Material Vol. 1 - Weapon, Shapely, Naked, Wan
Verlag Jahr

  • [16] S., 23x15,3 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9780990749561
    Beidseitig bedruckte, mehrfach gefaltete Seiten
  • Dillon DeWaters’ new book, Weapon, Shapely, Naked, Wan, is a rumination on the uncanny, on the anomalous phenomena within the everyday. Taking as their starting point a text, Walt Whitman’s “Song of the Broad-Axe,” and a place, Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Park, the photographs build a world of the unfamiliar within the recognizable. Using techniques of in-camera masking and multiple exposures, DeWaters creates a fictive world wherein memory becomes palimpsest, overwritten, erased, perhaps apocryphal. The places contained herein are supernatural, perhaps preternatural, on their surface but, beneath, there is a sense of the cozy, the familiar, even the banal. DeWaters is reordering our geometries and our color palettes to create in us a new vision, a new way of seeing. Is it our eyes that are turning space inside out? We watch, through the continuous image stream within the pages, as Whitman asserts, “The shapes arise!”
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vasileva no art

  • NO ART
Verlag Jahr

  • 196 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 9788493848033
  • … We live a time of technology and great opportunities. Art creates new visions and interpretations of our living, though sometimes it looks like mere reinvention of subjects already present in the XIXth and XXth century.
    Our intent, however, is to leave a mark and make our contribution to an authentic identification of our times. The engagement of artists is to create a cultural heritage to pass on to future generations, who will probably understand our sensibility. Alas, it is not for us to know what will remain of contemporary art….
    Vitaliy & Elena Vasilieva
Erworben bei Atem Books


Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 96 S., 38x27,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • the first edition of PLATOON MAGAZINE will be exclusively unveiled at the launch event at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin.
    With PLATOON MAGAZINE we invite you to explore our worldwide network through the outstanding projects of some of our 7500 PLATOON MEMBERS across more than 50 countries. Each quarterly print publication not only highlights the creativity we see on a daily basis within the PLATOON NETWORK, it also includes a theme — an artistic topic of global relevance. First on our agenda: wearable technology. Ultimately, this magazine is for inspiration—another channel to reach our goals of culture development, in addition to our creative spaces in Berlin and Seoul.
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  • ISBN 0-9690745-2-2
Ort Land

  • ISBN/ISSN 0969074522
  • Addenda: Just between you and me. There was no other. Who does our past belong to tonight? We understand at last. And while we slept, we vanished. The walls of the world fell in on us. We claimed always to abide by terms. Shattered mirrors and sliding panels. Always. Except when we choose not to. One must keep alert to all possibilities. The old Indian pearl diver clambered onto the dock, grinning and shaking the water from our body. At night we could hear our mind ticking like some cheap alarm clock. Radio broadcasts played on tribal feelings. Our voice trailed off. Truth was delay. A heavy splash followed many ripples. Food, batteries and water-purifying chemicals arrived over the week-end.
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Stichwort / Schlagwort


  • Fotografija NR. 1 (35) 2018
Ort Land

  • [116] S., 27,5x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 16487273
  • We are heading into a future where our choices will be shaped – if not outright determined – by algorithms and artificial intelligence. This coming state has been labelled “the new dark age” (James Bridle, 2018).
    It remains to be seen what this brings to photography, and vice versa.
    One thing, however, seems clear: photography, which has already changed significantly in the 21st century, is affected by – and in some important ways is part of – this development. This issue of “Fotografija” explores how programmes, apps and AI-related technologies shape and change the discourse of photography, challenging traditional boundaries of the medium.
    Various programmes and services – Google, Photoshop, Flickr, Snapchat, visual recognition, etc. – provide new tools to conceive image-making and think photographically. Technological interfaces not only deliver instruments for making work but can become the very logic for creating photographic series.
    The presented artists offer perspectives to raise questions and discuss these technological shifts. From dealing with traumatic events (Indrė Šerpytytė) and inaccessible sites (James Bridle) through technological mediation to playing with our expectations of an all-pervasive Photoshop manipulation (Erin E’Keefe). From exploring so-called smart surveillance systems (Esther Hovers) and censoring politically sensitive sites (Mishka Henner) to everyday glitches (Mantas Grigaitis). From playing with the copyrights of such collective websites as Flickr (Penelope Umbrico) to exploring the shared language of being in some of the most photographed places on earth (Thomas Albdorf). And from using Photoshop to create images (Aaron Hegert) to an image that is barely photographic (Zachary Dean Norman). The four essays (Kate Palmer Albers, Roksana Filipowska and Marijana Rayl, Ilaria Speri, Alise Tifentale) map out the works in broader social, historical and art contexts.
    In short, the works deal with our technologized world. They talk about being in the middle of changes that few have envisioned. Being so immersed, one can feel it (almost) hurts.
    Text von Paul Paper.
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Plaza Lazo Maria Inés / Sochacki Paul / Kolar Alina, Hrsg.: Arts of the Working Class No. 21 - Around the world in 80 pages - Forced displacement issue - Tourism issue, 2022

  • Arts of the Working Class No. 21 - Around the world in 80 pages - Forced displacement issue - Tourism issue
Ort Land

  • 80 S., 35,2x25,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Lose ineinander gelegte Blätter, Druck auf Zeitungspapier.
  • AusgabeMai 2022. „Arts of the Working Class“ ist eine Straßenzeitung für Armut, Reichtum und Kunst. Sie erscheint alle zwei Monate und enthält Beiträge von Künstlern und Denkern aus verschiedenen Feldern und in verschiedenen Sprachen. Sie richtet sich an die Arbeiterklasse, also an alle, und es geht um alles, das allen gehört. Jeder, der sie verkauft, verdient mit. Jeder Künstler, dessen Arbeit beworben wird, gestaltet mit.
    Anniversary launch Issue 21. Arts of the Working Class is glad to invite you on June 8 to the launch of its fourth anniversary issue AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 PAGES. Organized in collaboration with Callie’s and a.p. Starting at 6.30 PM, the event will take a tour and discuss matters of tourism and forced displacement through the words and works of its contributors. The title of both the event and our latest issue take Jules Verne’s proto sci-fi book as a starting point for our shared research. Verne, the poet and writer whose narratives took us on a journey into imaginary and inconceivable worlds, left us with an invaluable lesson– we perceive the world in its entirety only through technology, the very same technology that can only be progressive if accessible to everyone, rather than as means for individual convenience.
    Text von der Webseite.
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purple fashion 18

  • Purple Fashion - the anniversary issue 20 years of independence - Vol III, Issue 18
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 30x22,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 17668832
    Cover mit Prägedruck, zusammen mit zwei Heften von Richard Prince
  • We launched Purple Prose in the early 1990s without any means, and without any experience, because we wanted to make a magazine that was radically different. We wanted to support the artists around us that noone else supported, much less talked about. [..] It would be a form of opposition of our own, different from the critical jargon of the generation of '68. [..] From a visual standpoint, we represented the break from '80s imagery (like Richard Avedon's photography for Versace, for example). From an artistic standpoint, the artists of the early '90s were rising up against art as capital fetish [..]. In saying that Purple is the portrait of a generation, I mean it's a portrait of those who embody their times. At the same time, it's a portrait of myself and Elein Fleiss, our ideas, our lives, and our aesthetics.
    aus Wikipedia
Stichwort / Schlagwort
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Erworben bei Selfridges London


  • no one should call you a dreamer / 60 Minutes Later - A Collaborative Zine about Identity / ok werner / We Need Our Days To Be Quiet / days of each other,
Verlag Jahr

  • [20-36] S., 21x14,8 cm, 5 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotokopien
  • "Ok Werner" is a handmade fanzine made in collaboration with my brother, Glasgow-based musician Brian McEwan about our favourite filmmaker, Werner Herzog. 

    The zine was made over a period of 4 days in late July 2012 at my house in Yorkshire on a self appointed 'Herzog holiday' and contains our personal and collaborative responses to Herzog and his films via interviews, quotes, images and writing.
    "We Need Our Days To Be Quiet" is a sketchbook in zine format, containing collected drawing and collage, text and photography and thoughts, reading and findings from summer 2012.
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Stichwort / Schlagwort
Erworben bei McEwan Jean


Coers Albert / Krempel Uschi / Mehnert Celia, Hrsg: naturally, 2023

  • naturally
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 10x21 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Zur Ausstellung in der Galerie ep.contemporary, Berlin, 28.-30.04.2023
    Der Titel „naturally“ – in der deutschen Übersetzung „selbstverständlich“ – lässt zunächst an Dinge denken, die ohne weitere Erklärung verständlich sind, an Alltag, etwas, über das man nicht sprechen muss.
    Aber ist Selbstverständliches vielleicht gar nicht so „nicht erwähnenswert“. In unser Blickfeld tritt es, wenn etwas nicht mehr funktioniert, oder wenn der Blick darauf gelenkt, die Wahrnehmung scharf gestellt wird. Wir nehmen vieles für so selbstverständlich, dass wir atmen, unser Körper funktioniert, die Straßenbahn fährt, Strom aus der Steckdose kommt.
    Selbstverständliches ist eine Voraussetzung, eine Erwartung an Dinge und Handlungen, die wir eingeübt haben im Laufe unseres Lebens. Etwas für selbstverständlich zu nehmen, impliziert nicht nur Erwartungen in Gewohnheiten sondern auch in Konventionen. Wir denken nicht darüber nach – Selbstverständlichkeiten sind in unserer Wahrnehmung nicht vorhanden. Wir vergessen sie schlichtweg wie blinde Flecken. Erst, wenn Sand im Getriebe ist, verschiebt sich der Fokus, schauen wir hin und fangen an, Selbstverständliches infrage zu stellen. Irritierende Blickpunkte auf Alltägliches sind in der Ausstellung naturally / selbstverständlich zum Gallery Weekend zu sehen.

    The title „naturally“ – in the German translation „selbstverständlich“ – initially makes one think of things that are understandable without further explanation, of everyday life, something that does not need to be talked about.
    But whatever seems natural perhaps doesn’t result in being „not worth mentioning“. We become aware of the ordinary when it no longer works, or when we pay actively attention to it, when we focus our perception. We naturally accept so many things without questioning: that we breathe, that our body works, that the subway runs, that electricity comes from the socket.
    Taking things for granted is a prerequisite, an expectation of things and actions that we have practiced in the course of our lives. Accepting something as natural implies expectations not only in habits but also in conventions. We don’t think about it anymore – things taken for granted are not present in our perception. We simply fade these things out, they turn into blind spots. Only if there is sand in the gearbox, we start to refocus on it and we begin to question what we took as natural.
    The exhibition naturally/selbstverständlich invites to discover irritating perspectives on the ordinary during the Gallery Weekend.
    Text: Uschi Krempel, Celia Mehnert
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Ganzenberg Christian, Hrsg.: various others 2022, 2022

  • various others 2022
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr

  • 14,8x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Drahtheftung, Programmheft
  • Zur Veranstaltung 08.09.-09.10.2022 in München
    VARIOUS OTHERS is the international format of the Munich art scene. Its most ambitious players—galleries, artist-run spaces, and institutions—invite you to get to know the city’s most important art venues in all their diversity. In collaboration with international partners, VARIOUS OTHERS offers artists, collectors, curators, gallery owners, and art enthusiasts from all over the world contemporary art of the highest quality and relevance.
    With its splendid kick-off during the second weekend of September, VARIOUS OTHERS heralds the start of the fall art season and is a fixed event in the international art calendar. With its up-to-date, varied, and high-quality program of exhibitions and events, VARIOUS OTHERS promotes the visibility of Munich as a vibrant art city.
    Through our partnership concept—galleries and artist-run spaces invite partners to jointly realize exhibitions—we strengthen international exchange and collaboration and share those values with our guests and partners. During four rich weeks, we invite our guests and friends to experience great sites of contemporary art in Munich and get to know the artists who work here—and thus discover new things. ...
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Erworben bei Haus der Kunst